Anna's been trying to sort out the order of
Imperial Lemons for Mr Lime. She sends an email but her choice of text-speak
isn't appropriate and Paul, the boss, isn't impressed.
Anna needs some help from Tom who always
has plenty of advice. Her email is rewritten and sent off, but will that be the
end of the matter?
Anna 在郵件裏想確認些什麼?
Glossary 辭彙
This week's programme focuses on language
to use in an email.
Phrases from the programme:
Dear Mr Lime... 尊敬的 Lime 先生...
I hope you are
well. 希望您最近還好.
I am writing
regarding... 我寫信給您是有關…
Please could you
confirm... 請您確認...
Best wishes. 最美好的祝福.